Google Analytics & Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools) 

These accounts are where we get a lot of important data. That data will be used to make strategy decisions and evaluate project success. While looking at data in Search Console we will also find any communications from Google about issues they are having with our sites.


Site Testing

  • Manual Testing

Search engines will only rank a site if they believe the site will provide a good user experience. Costantly improving a sites user experience (UX) will also increase sales by increasing the percentage of visitors that complete the buying process.

The basics of good UX include a site that work well across all platforms, and doesn't have dead end or confusing links. We can use tools to test for much of these things. We will also test by using the site in the same way that your customers might. Most of this manual testing will happen as a side effect of planning and implementing SEO and UX projects.

Other SEO Tools


At ProfitableSEO we use SEO tools to gather data and manage processes.

We DO NOT use tools to create links or content. Using these type of tools can create 'footprints' that might be identified by Google and create a negative effect on rankings and/or ROI.

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